Business Newsletter

SEC Rules for Broker Dealer Exchange Specialists  

Securities and Exchange Commission rules regulate information that must be provided to the public by broker dealers who serve as New York, American, or other national exchange specialists or as Nasdaq market makers. Such broker dealers in effect trade for their own accounts as well as for customers. They thus are required to follow Commission Rules 11Ac1-1 and 11Ac1-4 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 17 CFR 240.11Ac1-1 and 17 CFR 240.11Ac1-4, designed to increase the amount of public information regarding quotes and order handling.More...  

Corporate Creditors   Generally, directors do not owe a fiduciary duty to a corporate creditor when that creditor has contracted exclusively with the corporation. However, a director may owe a fiduciary duty to a corporate creditor to protect the corporate assets when the corporation becomes insolvent. More...  

Employment Law   Protection for whistleblowers under the Clean Air Act More...  

Registration of a Public Offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission   A company that decides to sell its stock to the public must file a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The registration statement is made public as it is filed. However, the company may not sell its securities described in the registration statement until staff of the Commission has declared that the registration statement is effective. More...  

Meetings and Voting Control of a corporation is exercised through its board of directors. Shareholders in turn elect the directors. In addition to straight voting of one vote per share, there are several methods provided by statute or corporate charter for calculating shareholder votes, including cumulative, class, weighted, and supermajority voting. More...



Scott, Quinlan, Willard, Barnes & Keeshan, L.L.C.

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